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Consciousness in a Nutshell book on display

"Consciousness is a dance between perception
and memory."


- James

Set inside a psychological thriller, this semi-autobiographical tale follows two young neuropsychopharmacologists on the verge of publishing a major breakthrough, when one of them (only identified by the name “Ava”) winds up missing, and the other finds himself trapped in a room without doors or windows. Faced with impending doom, “James” decides to write a letter to a total stranger explaining everything he knows about the subject of consciousness in exchange for one little favor. 


With a feverish pace and a candid eye for story, Consciousness in a Nutshell delivers an unforgettable account of what it means to be alive while, at the very same time, answering the question of all questions, once and for all: What is consciousness?

Essentially, this is everything worth knowing about the subject of consciousness, rendered in easy-to-read prose and with frequent dips into story.  

5/5 Stars from Readers' Favorite

Official Readers' Favorite 5 Star Seal

About the Authors

Jay Nelson Author

JAY NELSON is a writer, researcher, and award-winning screenwriter obsessed with three questions: (i) What is consciousness? (ii) Is there an edge of experience? And (iii) How best to explain ecological awareness? After originally getting his start in acting, Jay soon found a love for psychology and explaining the human mind. But after a near-death-experience realigned all of his perceptions in 2013, he started moonlighting in neuroscience, philosophy, and evolutionary biology. He has been called a philosopher, a shaman, and a man of science. But, by his own description, he’s a “moderately well-read person who wants to test the limits of human perception.” You can find him online at


LINDY NELSON is a lifelong student of what makes a human a human. She has always believed that we are more alike than we are different, and is forever on the journey towards a better understanding of that knowledge and vocabulary for sharing it with the world. From managing escape rooms to restaurants, film sets to corporate offices, she is adept at seeing all of the pieces that make up the whole. She leads with patience and the mantra that we should each use what we have to improve where we can.

Lindy Nelson Author


© Catalyst Productions, Ltd. 2024


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